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Logo of The Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern AfricaWelcome

You have come to the homepage of the Committee of Mission and Discipleship which is part of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.

BREAKING NEWS#1: We’re about to run our third online INSPIRE CONFERENCE in Pentecost week – read about it HERE!

BREAKING NEWS#2: Our Going For Growth Project was Launched at General Assembly Executive Commission – Catch the details HERE!

We’re a committee that is passionate about seeing the Church equipped for Growth and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. These pages are filled with news, practical information and usable resources that we hope will assist you as you do God’s work in your congregations.

Just to get you inspired straight away – here’s our definition of a Missional Church:

What is a Missional Church?

A Missional Church is a sent Church, which understands its primary work as witnessing to Christ and serving God in the world.

A Missional Church is shaped by God for the community into which God has placed it.

A Missional Church is focused on those who don’t yet know Jesus.

A Missional Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is focused on working with God in bringing fullness of life (involving justice, healing, wholeness and reconciliation) to all the people of the world.

Look at our news section for the latest developments.